Radio Show for December 2023 Feature Statement: Merri Scott and Gary Scott taught 1000s of people to successfully speak Spanish in their “Super Thinking- Super Spanish” course using Dr. Georgi Lozanov’s method with Baroque music. How did they do it? (This is a re-lease from September 2014.)
Radio Show feature question for November 2023 revisits the work of Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder international experts on “Super-Learning”. (This is a re-release from May 2014.)
Radio Show feature question for October 2023 revisits the work of Dr. Georgi Lozanov, “the Father of Accelerated Learning Suggestopedia.” How did Dr. Georgi Lozanov, a Bulgarian medical doctor and educator teach Accelerated Learning to his students?
Radio Show Feature Question for September 2023: Teachers’ Lifetime Achievement Award. Jeanne Golner, Elizabeth L. Hamilton, and Maryl Arbuckle Case are our Radio Show’s 2015 “Teachers’ Lifetime Achievement Award” winners. Feature Question for April 2015: What achievements did they accomplish? (This episode is a re-release from April 2015)
Feature Question for August 2023:Preparing for Your First Day of School with expert teachers Mrs. Becky Jenkins Irons, Dr. Rosemary Wong, and Dr. Harry Wong.
Feature Question for July 2023: How did Classical music play a part of Helene Bresslau Schweitzer’s life as a medical missionary, nurse, teacher, social worker, sociologist, and musician and which musical instruments did she play?
Radio Feature Question for June 2023: How did Classical music play a part of Dr. Albert Einstein’s life as a Physicist, Nobel Prize Winner, and musician and which musical instrument did he play?
Radio Show Feature Question for May 2023: Joshua (Josh) Brandon Scott is our Radio Show’s “2023 Graduate Award Winner”. What achievement did he accomplish?
Radio Show Feature Question for April 2023: Our Radio Show’s 2023 Teachers’ Lifetime Achievement Award winner is Barbara Drucker Smith: What achievements did she accomplish?
Radio Show Feature Question for March 2023: How does Classical Music play a part of David J. Piatak’s life as a NASA Engineer , Rocket Scientist, and musician and which musical instrument does he play?
Radio Show Feature Question for February 2023: How did Classical music play a part of Dr. Georges Urbain’s life as a Ph.D., French Chemist, researcher, Professor of Chemistry, composer, artist, and musician and what musical instrument did he play?
Radio Show Feature Question for January 2023: How does Classical music play a part of Dr. Elaine L. Bearer’s life as a Medical Doctor, Ph.D., Professor of Pathology, researcher, composer and musician and what musical instruments does she play?